Glossary of Terms

If you come across a word on this website you think needs further clarification and to be added to the glossary, please contact via e-mail and it will be added. Thank you for your continued love and support.


 Therapies and techniques or modalities in complementary medicine that involve touching or manipulating the body.


A form of bodywork that specifically involves the manipulation of various layers of soft tissue including the muscles and connective tissue called fascia of which there are multiple forms or modalities.


Often described as “a laying on of hands.” these are complementary therapies performed with the intent to support and harmonize someone’s life-force energy or vitality; we are energetic beings made up of electrical impulses and reactions as well as chemical reactions and interactions. We are energy.


An energy work modality originating in Japan that emphasizes the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. It may utilize a gentle laying on of hands to assess and support life force energy, though it can also be performed at a distance or in the energetic fields surrounding your body. While the concept of Chakras originated in a different region of the world, modern reiki frequently involves checking in with these vital energy centers.


Characterized by the belief that the parts of something are interconnected and can be explained only by reference to the whole, in medicine this includes taking into account mental and social factors rather than just the symptoms.